
We know the identity of some of our regular readers (I hope this does not mean that we should be called writers), but not all. Please take a look at the map below and if you see a red dot in your area send us a comment with your name, city and country.


Click on the play button and you will see those foodie genes in action. Enjoy!


A friend of ours recently declared us to be foodies, as we are people who appreciate and like to enjoy special and well-prepared food. We have both been known to ooh and aah over a slice of scrumptuous dessert, a piece of excellent cheese, or some other delicacy. When in Budapest (a rare occasion), we will go out of our way to eat at Szeráj, an authentic Turkish self-service eatery serving wonderful hummus, chicken-eggplant salad, baklava and other yummies. Our other favorite is Taverna Dionysos, a Greek restaurant by the Danube, also in Budapest. Of course I could go on and on, about my addiction of hunting for new recipes (and testing them), or Arpi's specific taste in just about anything.

However, the reason for this post is that a few days ago we were very happy to discover that the tiniest person in our family DID in fact inherit some foody genes. We gave Nina her first try of apple-flavored rice-cereal a few days ago, and she had a blast! Here's a picture to prove it:


Please allow me to share about something new I have recently discovered! As you can see on the pictures below, I figured out that books are fun. For now, I love leafing through them (with some help). When doing this, I always wonder what it would be like to munch on some of those colorful things displayed on the pages. Unfortunately, my mom tells me that I shouldn't do it. She also says that it is much more interesting to read those letters that are around those colorful things. I guess I should believe her, because so far, she has been right about most things ... I can't wait until I am able to read!


Let me tell you about reading ...

Here I am, hard at work ...

Reading is fun! You should try it too!


No, we are not in suspended animation because of the winter, we are just busy. If a news reporter would come to our house, here is what you would hear on the news:
Hello, my friend

What do you want from me?

Let me think ...

I think I know ...

You want to play with me and make me giggle :)


Y'all need to see the pictures that our friend from Texas, Mackenzie Rollins took of Nina this week, so click here and here to see the pictures.


This post has been in the making for the last two days. Serious things were taken into consideration, stories were told again and again, gestures were reinterpreted, the internet was consulted for the most appropriate expressions.

In thinking of the post I had several ideas about what the title of it should be, so here are some of my initial thoughts:
  • ridiculous - to indicate the bizarreness of the situation
  • afraid - to show the horror of what happened
  • cry - to illustrate how emotional we all were
But before I could write the post our friend Mackenzie shared the story on her blog. Since she already did it, and because she is much better with words than me, you should read her account of the events in her longest post ever, here.


Little missy has realized the other day that she can splash water with her foot. Since then the evening bath is much more fun.


Balázs and Leah were visiting with us last night and we had a great time together. Balázs started to talk to Nina and she was mesmerized by him, she started to giggle which then turned into a full laugh. We could not resist recording it and sharing it with you.


I listened to Danny Bhoy, an Indian stand-up comedian the other day and he had an interesting observation. He said that in some cultures parents just love to show off with their kids, whenever guests show up they will have their children start the dog and pony show. With that in mind, here is a list of tricks Nina has learned these last four months:
  • She rolls to her side and rolls back.
  • She follows us with her eyes when we are in the room or speak.
  • She rubs off her socks, she hates socks - much like her daddy.
  • She loves to sleep - much like her daddy.
  • She "plays" with the toy she holds in her hand.
  • She "talks" to her toys, and to her parents often - all we need is an interpreter, got one? She says things like hugga, and hagoo.
  • She can outburp most grown men :)


I had to call my bank's customer service department yesterday, to ask them to replace a card they sent me (it had my maiden name on it by mistake, and I need my married name to be displayed on the little piece of oh, so useful plastic). One would think that taking care of something like that wouldn't take too long. Especially over the phone, as the whole point of over-the-phone customer service was invented so you wouldn't have to stand in line at the bank itself for every little thing.
Although I love my bank, and they have always been great, and professional, yesterday was a different story.
It took three different phone-calls, and a FULL HOUR on the phone to take care of this. As you can imagine, I spent most of that hour actually ON HOLD. Only about 10-15 minutes of the hour was spent speaking with officials. As I was getting more and more impatient, I started paying attention to the "on-hold song" that was playing over, and over again. You know those songs that are supposed to make you calm while you wait to be listened to? Well, whoever chose this one, had a brilliant sense of humor, as the chorus playing again and again, said: "Please, listen to meeeeeeee....." No kidding. I wish I could post the music here, because the whole song had this droopy-eyed, begging tone to it, it was so ironic, I had to laugh.
So how do you pass time while waiting? Well, I looked through the latest junk-mail selection, and found out what's on sale at Tesco and Metro. Then I leafed through the CBD catalogue. Then I looked through the latest issue of a women's magazine. And THEN, as I was STILL on hold, I decided to sweep the living-room floor, as well as the stairwell, since I had the time. A great use of the otherwise seemingly useless on-hold time, indeed. I was very proud of myself. Much accomplished, in one short hour. Maybe I'll call the bank again today, and clean the bathroom while I wait? I'll let you know.


We apologize for the long silence during the last few months regarding ministry, but we have literally been trying to keep our heads on our respective shoulders, and between the busy moments, have been attempting to use every free moment for sleeping.

It is almost four months ago now that we moved from Pécs to Vajta (you can read more about that in our earlier blog posts), and our lives have changed so much since then! First of all, on the 24th of June, we became the proud, blessed parents of Nina!

When we left Pécs at the end of May, we knew that the Lord was at work and that He has a purpose in bringing us to serve at Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe. Now, four months later, we can honestly say that His purpose is manifold, and we are confident that we have just begun seeing the surface of all the various reasons for this move.

Teaching and Discipleship

After moving to Vajta, and while assuming his new duties as one of the pastors here, Árpi has continued traveling to the city of Dunaájváros, to teach at the home fellowship there, every Tuesday evening. Árpi has been teaching through the book of Hebrews. The group of believers there continues to be faithful in coming, and there have been a few new faces recently as well.

At Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe (the new semester started two weeks ago), Árpi is teaching the Epistle to the Romans and Inductive Bible Study this semester to the Hungarian students. There is an almost completely new Hungarian student body this semester, most of whom are very young. What a great opportunity to shape young lives and raise them up to serve the Lord!

Andi has been meeting the girls (Nina is a great conversation starter), and our heart is to be used of God to build up and encourage these young lives in His Word, and in serving Him.

The Office

Árpi spends most of his time with documents, numbers, financial reports and legal papers in the office. He loves doing it, he has a God given talent to organize and to make things happen. He loves it so much that on occasion he has a hard time leaving his tasks behind.


In our last newsletter, we mentioned the Hungarian translation of Under His Influence, a Lloyd Pulley book Andi worked on. Well, the translation is done, but the logistics of dealing with the printer and publisher got a bit sidetracked by Nina’s arrival. However, we are nearing finishing it, praise the Lord! We are excited to see how God is going to use this tool in the lives of Hungarian believers.

Also, Andi is translating one of the classes at Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe this semester. It is a class on Galatians and Ephesians, taught by pastor Mark Walsh, twice a week. It has provided a great opportunity for Andi to interact with the Hungarian student body, while Nina is blessed with really cool baby-sitters :)


You remember that when we left Pécs, we did so knowing that sometime in the future, Lord willing, we would be going to Bosnia to serve the people there. God had also showed us that Vajta would be – other than an interim place – a point of connection for us with others who are serving there or involved in ministry there in some way.

Well, God is certainly not wasting time! He has already brought our way a missionary family and a lovely young woman who are serving there. They visited us here in Vajta, and we had a wonderful time getting to know them, and continue to curiously watch God unfold His plan, in His time.

English teaching

A young woman from the village (her name is Vera) that Andi knew when she lived in Vajta years ago sought her out and asked if she would teach her English. With Nina being only three months at this point, Andi comitted to once a week for now – but is very excited about this opportunity to reach out to Vera.


As we mentioned above, Nina came on June 24th, so she is a bit more than three months old now. She is growing too fast, and never ceases to amaze us. She is too cute! Being parents is quite an adventure, and we love it, and are so excited to see Nina grow up into a woman of God – which is our prayer.

Prayer requests

  • For the Holy Spirit to minister through Árpi every time he teaches.
  • For the Lord to raise up a helper at the the Dunaújváros home fellowship.
  • For Árpi as he ministers to the guy students, especially András, who comes from a very difficult background.
  • For the girls: Edit, Petra, Mónika, Zsuzsi, Orsi, Vivien, Éva – for their lives to be transformed completely. For Andi to take every opportunity presented for discipling them.
  • Wisdom with office tasks and responsibilities.
  • For all the translation Andi is involved in: anointing, strength, and wisdom.
  • For the door to Bosnia to remain open, for the Lord’s guidance and equipping as we prepare to go there.


Every night after bathing, while mom gets things ready to dress her, Nina spends time in her daddy's lap, just hanging out. Last night was no exception. This usually constitutes of her making faces at Arpi while he "talks" to her. Last night was especially precious, and we managed to catch the moment via camera, so here it is:


The kind of music we listen to reflects our personality, so suggesting music to others can be tricky. It has happened to me before that I watched a film or purchased an album just because someone raved about it and I hated the film or the music. Anyway, now I am going to suggest to you that you should get the album Remedy by the David Crowder Band. You can listen to part of the songs at this site. Enjoy!



No, I am not talking about one of the best sci-fi movies ever, written and directed by Joss Whedon. I am talking about a disposition free from stress, or the absence of anxiety, because this is how we feel when Nina sleeps. And she sleeps well, we can't complain. We prayed for a quiet baby and Nina usually sleeps around 7-8 hours each night. Hooray for sleep!


We promise, this is going to be the last post on the toe. This is how the toe looked 48 hours after the surgery.


So, I went to the doc today, and voluntarily submitted myself to torture. All, because I really don't want to wear flip-flops all winter long, and cold weather is approaching fast. Anyway, the only thing that hurt (A LOT!) were the two shots of local anesthetic that he gave into my toe. I was holding Arpi's hand during that - he said later that he was afraid I might break it. For the rest of the time, I felt nothing, and I didn't look, I just knew that the doc was working on something because both he and the nurse were pretty busy around my foot.
When I came home I took a painkiller, [vicodine, my best friend :)] and since then I have felt fine. I will need to get the bandage changed daily for another two weeks, so for that time I will have to keep wearing flip-flops, come rain or anything similar. Should be interesting.
To all who prayed for me today: thank you! I survived!


I would like to inform all those interested, that the doc postponed my toe-operation until Monday morning, because the swelling hadn't gone down enough yet. So I need to keep applying the stuff he gave me and taking the meds he gave me, and continue trembling until then.

The good thing though seems to be that I am getting more and more eager to get rid of this stuff, so who knows, maybe by Monday morning I won't even mind the pain at all ...


Used by some for unarmed combat (i.e. punching), but Nina uses it to replace her pacifier. She loves to suck on her fist. She is smart, it is a good choice, since your fist is always handy.


Last night our friend and neighbor, Neil made some amazing pizza, and we were blessed to partake of some as well. However, there was one slice that was left over after we had all had our fill. So, I wrapped it in foil and promptly placed it in the fridge, only to realize this morning what a grand idea that was. It became part of my breakfast, and as I was munching on it, it dawned on me, that cold pizza is one of the best breakfast foods ever, at least for me. There is just something about it ... Of course, we would never eat cold pizza for dinner or lunch, but it is amazing for breakfast.
Anyway, this gave me the idea of conducting a small research about our friends' favorite breakfast foods, no matter how strange. (What could be more unusual than cold pizza?) So comment away, people! I am curiously awaiting your input ...


Terrible pain, that is.

Reason being, that I have an ingrown toenail on the big toe on my left foot. I have had this before, but it always went away on its own, so I was hoping for the same this time as well. No such luck. I will spare you the gross details, but suffice it to say that as of yesterday it has felt and looked (especially looked!) bad enough to make me pay a visit to the doctor today.

He, of course gave me some medication (one to make the inflammation go down, and Betadine for disinfection), and matter-of-factly informed me that when I go back on Friday, he will cut out the part of the nail that shouldn't be there, and burn out the "wild flesh" (as he called it) that shouldn't be there.

To all this, I thought to myself:Yey! No, not quite, as you can imagine. For some reason, having part of my flesh (be it wild or not) be burnt off doesn't sound particularly appealing. Even though he will use local anesthetics, the prospect of all this will be enough to fill my heart with dread and fear from today until Friday.

If anyone has a story of surviving something even remotely similar, please, don't hesitate! Share! Encourage! Pour the balms of encouragement on my frightened soul (and toe) :)


Eleven weeks, that is how much time has passed since Nina came. She arrived two weeks early, but we didn't mind, since extreme heat was coming. Extremely pregnant, extreme heat, no good.

Nina gained about 5lbs (2.2kg) since she came home from the hospital, the 0-3 months clothes don't fit her since two weeks ago, and the 9-20lbs (4-9kg) diaper is just about the right size. So, here are two of the latest pictures I took of the girls. My girls.


The last few days I have caught myself daydreaming of the streets and places in my hometown of Subotica many times. More times than usual. And then it dawned on me: I must be homesick! Come to think of it, the last time we were home was at the beginning of May, and that was four months ago, and as Nina's passport doesn't seem to be anywhere near to being done, (thanks to the amazing efficiency of the Serbian Consulate in Budapest - so far we've been waiting for 8 weeks) it might yet be a while before we get to walk on Korzo (the walking street), and eat a good pljeskavica (Serbian equivalent of the hamburger).

Until then, I will have to be content with visiting the webpage of the city, and looking at pictures like this one...

p.s. I am aware that some of you who read this blog haven't been home in MUCH longer than me. Please know that I am in no way trying to compare my homesickness to what you might be experiencing (e.g. "the kifli-cravers" - you know who you are). Hats off to you! :)


Nina Pictures is the name of a folder on my desktop where I collect all my pictures of our precious chipmunk. This last week more than a few good pictures landed in that folder, thanks to MacKenzie Rollins, our photo journalist friend who lives in Sarajevo, Bosnia at the moment. She left today to go back to the land of magnificent čevapčići, burek, and tufahija. We miss you already!

Nina is ten weeks old today. Can anyone provide sufficient proof that we actually had a summer? Oh, I remember the 107.5F (41.9C) heat in July, but I really can't believe that 70 days have passed since Nina's arrival. She was 11lbs 14oz (5.4kg) on Wednesday when she got her second vaccine. She did not cry much or fuss much, she ate a bit less than usual during that day, but that was it. About two weeks ago she decided to try sleeping through the night. Guess what? Andi and I both like her idea very much. We are great supporters of sleep (and good food). So, since then she sleeps through the night about 4-5 times a week. She usually gets a bath at night, she has some milk, we put her down in her room and she is out until early morning.

But, without further ado, here are some of the pictures Kenz took of Nina.


This is one of my favorite recipes. Enjoy!
  • Put 4½ cups water in a saucepan, add 3 inch stick of cinnamon, 24 cardamom pods, and 24 whole cloves and bring to boil.
  • Cover it and let it simmer for ten minutes.
  • Add 2 cups of milk, 6 tablespoons of sugar and bring to boil again.
  • Throw in 3 tablespoons of any not perfumed loose black tea leaves, cover it and turn off the heat.
  • After two minutes strain the tea and serve immediately.
From Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking, Barron's, New York (1983)

Note: You may substitute the 24 cardamom pods with 3½ teaspoons of ground cardamom, but you also need to know that crushed spices lose their essential oils with time, so if you use ground cardamom the chai may not be as tasty.


Someone shared this with me years ago, and the Lord has been reminding me of it for the last few days, so I looked it up, and decided to share. Hope it gives you food for thought, like it did to me ... It definitely is a good chunk to digest! Be blessed!


When you are forgotten, or neglected, or purposely set at naught, and you don't sting and hurt with the insult or the oversight, but your heart is
happy being counted worthy to suffer for Christ,

When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your advice disregarded, your opinions ridiculed, and you refuse to let anger rise in your heart or even defend yourself, but take it all in patient loving silence,


When you lovingly and patiently bear any disorder, any irregularity, any impunctuality, or any annoyance: when you can stand face to face with waste, folly, extravagance, spiritual insensibility... and endure it as Jesus endured it,

When you are content with any food, any offering, any raiment, any climate, any society, any solitude, any interruption by the will of God,

When you never care to refer to yourself in conversation, or to record your own good works, or itch after commendation, when you can truly love to be unknown,

When you can see your brother prosper and have his needs met, and can honestly rejoice with him in spirit and feel no envy nor question God, while your own needs are far greater and in desperate circumstances,

When you can receive correction and reproof from one of less stature than yourself, and can humbly submit inwardly as well as outwardly, finding no rebellion or resentment rising within your heart,

Are you dead yet? In these last days the Spirit would bring us to the Cross: "That I may know Him ... being conformable to His death." (Philippians 3:10, The Bible)


Until the first malls opened in Hungary (and for a number of years after that), the coolest and best department store chain in Hungary was the one called Skála. And from all its stores around the country, the one I liked best was the one in Budapest, on the Buda side, conveniently named Skála Buda. Of my 9 years of life in Budapest, I lived very close to it for about 5 years. So of course, this is where I did most (if not all) of my shopping. Over the years, I had become a huge Skála fan. During the last year and a half that I lived in Budapest, I actually lived right across from it, and went there almost every day.
You could find everything at Skála, and they were the first ones in Hungary to introduce the wedding registry system. So when Arpi and I got married 3 years ago, we got registered there, and that is where many things in our house are from.
Unfortunately, with the influx of huge malls, and the change of shopping habits in the country, the company had recently closed down or sold all its stores, but the one in Buda was still holding out.
A few weeks ago, when in Budapest, I was sad to see that it had been closed as well. The parking lot was empty, the windows covered with a sign announcing the building of the new shopping center planned.
The demolition of the building started yesterday, and I just want to say: "Goodbye Skála, I'll miss you!"


She is six weeks old today. Here are some of the best pictures we took this past week:

Her favorite place - in daddy's arms

Her favorite position - Nina sleeps in a position her mummy used to when a child

Yo, wazzup?


Nina is exactly one month old today. A lot of you have been asking us what we think about parenthood. So here it goes ...
It has been an amazing month!The biggest lesson so far for me has been discovering just how selfish I am. God has been so patient and gracious in showing me this in so many different ways over the past weeks. Having to give up my comfort and my wants and needs and putting Nina's before mine has been liberating in so many ways.
I have discovered that contrary to my previous beliefs, I AM able to function on less than 6 hours of sleep, in fact, I can do it for a whole month, many nights in a row! Quite amazing, I tellya! Those who know me well, know that I NEED my sleep, and that I get very groggy and slow if I don't get it. Well, once again, it turns out that God, in all His unlimited wisdom and power does something insane with a woman's body when she has a helpless little infant to take care of 24/7. He gives her extra strength for every minute of every hour.
So in a few words, this has been a month of discoveries, and many blessings. And just so you know, Nina is so cute I can't believe it, and she keeps getting cuter every day.
Oh, a PS: One of my favourite things is watching her with her Daddy. They already have a special bond, and it is beautiful to watch Arpi with her. Okay, so all in all, I am very blessed!

Here is a recent picture of Nina:

Mother Theresa's youngest follower :)


Great many of you have asked whether Nina is eating well, sleeping enough, or crying a lot. So, here is what her schedule on a usual day looks like, you be the judge.

  • 09:00PM Nina takes a bath and goes to sleep.
  • 01:00AM Nina wakes everyone up by screaming as if she hasn't eaten in days, so she gets milk and falls right back asleep.
  • 04:00AM/05:00AM Nina eats again, and then sleeps some more.
  • 08:00AM/09:00AM Nina (you've guessed correctly) is ready for some more milk, so she eats some more. Eventually she falls back asleep. [Occasionally she is awake for hours, just observing the sounds and the lights around her accompanied with occasional whimpers (wake time)].
  • 11:00AM Nina eats some more. [She usually eats about 3-4 fl. oz. (90-120 ml) each time she eats, but it happens that she won't eat this much, then we know that she is going to be up in less than an hour screaming as if she is starving].
  • 11:00AM-09:00PM A mix of naps, cries, wake times, some time outdoors, and some skin time (if daddy is available).
Friends have laughed at us for thinking that babies can have (or will have) schedules, but I am more and more convinced that genetics (i.e. temper) has something to do with living a scheduled life.
We have never forced Nina to have a schedule, we don't (nor will we ever) let her cry hysterically until it is feeding time, just so that she matches our (or some child expert's) expectations of a baby. Her needs right now consist of eating 3-4 fl. oz. (90-120 ml) of milk every four (or so) hours and sleeping. And this is what we are providing, along with dozens of diapers.

Skin time with daddy


Please join me in prayer for my parents, for they know not what they do.

Don't resist me, or I will destroy you with the power of my mind! (unagi)


In 1929, a Hungarian author named Frigyes Karinthy published a volume of short stories titled "Everything is Different." One of these pieces was titled "Chains," or "Chain-Links." The story investigated in abstract, conceptual, and fictional terms many of the problems that would captivate future generations of mathematicians, sociologists, and physicists within the field of network theory. In particular, Karinthy believed that the modern world was shrinking due to the ever-increasing connectedness of human beings. Due to technological advances in communications and travel, friendship networks could grow larger and span even greater distances. Karinthy posited that despite great physical distances between the globe's individuals, the growing density of human networks made the actual social distance far smaller. As a result of this hypothesis, Karinthy's characters believed that any two individuals could be connected through at most five acquaintances. In his story, the characters create a game out of this notion.

Six degrees of separation refers to the idea that, if a person is one "step" away from each person he or she knows and two "steps" away from each person who is known by one of the people he or she knows, then everyone is no more than six "steps" away from each person on Earth. Several studies, such as Milgram's small world experiment, have been conducted to empirically measure this connectedness.

So here is some proof of how small our world is:

Our friend Isti with Bono from U2 in Sarajevo

Our friend Kyle with Henry Cusick (Desmond from LOST) in Rome


Well, Nina is eight days old and she is getting used to rough life. She is eating, and sleeping all the time, but she must think this is rough, because she will cry occasionally. I know, I know, I am just joking, a bit sarcastic, but you know me.


Here are some more pictures of Nina. If all goes well they can leave the hospital tomorrow (Friday) afternoon.

Three days old

Four days old


No matter how sad, tired, or mad I was, one thing always made me laugh. I just looked at it and it made me realize how blessed I was and how thankful I should have been. What was it that resulted such a radical change in my emotional state? Well, you are going to laugh, it was a trash can across the street from the university in Pécs. Yes, no mistake, it was a huge metal trash can. You are wrong if you think this was an ordinary trash can. This trash can (maiden name: waste receptacle) had something written on it. Someone once took time, a brush, some paint and wrote "I hate being a trash can" on it. I don't know if you find this funny or not, but it sure made me laugh all the time. The irony of the graffiti and the difficult "life" of a trash can in comparison to my problems always cheered me up.

Why is all this gone now? Because a lobotomized idiot glued an ad for a concert over the graffiti. If hell has compartments like Dante says, this senseless retard sure is going to room with all the traitors.


Nina has changed quite a bit since I took a picture of her 20 minutes after she was born and uploaded to our blog (thanks to PTE for free wireless at the clinic), so here are some more pictures of her.

Seventeen hours after birth

Thirty six hours after birth

Andi's wound hurts like hell (sic!), but her recovery is on schedule. If things go well, they are going to be able to leave the hospital on Friday or Saturday.


I just spoke with Andi on the phone (she is still in the ICU) and she said she is feeling well, considering the fact that she had surgery. She is going to try and nurse Nina in an hour or so, which may not work if her stomach hurts and she can't turn to her side.

Her doctor said that she will have to stay at the hospital for a couple of days, so the earliest she will be able to get out is Friday or Saturday.


On this day Henry VIII was crowned King of England in 1509, New Jersey, named after the Isle of Jersey, was founded in 1664, Napoleon crossed the Nieman River and invaded Russia in 1812, and Nina Horvat-Kavai was born at 00:35CET in 2007. She is 3,86kg (8lbs 6oz) and 50cm (20"). Both her and Andi are doing well. Click on the pictures to view them in higher resolution.


At 01:45 CET on Saturday Andi's water broke. We are at the clinic in Pécs already, where she is undergoing some tests. Andi is feeling well, she is not in labor yet, she only has minor contractions that only the machine registers.

We will keep you posted once we know some more.

settled (take up residence and become established)

There is one recurring question people ask us nowadays: "Have you guys settled in?" We unpacked everything and put everything away three days after the move and about seven days later we inadvertently referred to the Gate House as HOME. I guess we have settled in.

We even have a daily routine by now. I get up at 06:00, make my way to the coffee maker and while the coffee is brewing I prepare my breakfast cereal. Then I read and pray for some time while sipping coffee. Then Andi wakes up, we pray (but only after she raids the toilet - she is pregnant, you know) and then we watch a morning talk show for a bit. Then I go to work, around 12:30 we eat lunch, and I go back to work until 16:00 or so. After that it is always different, but it usually involves sports or hanging out with people and watching an episode of [spooks] later in the evening. We intend to enjoy this while we can, because we know that Nina is definitely going to have a say in our scheduling methods when she comes, don't you think?

A mighty rushing wind... of a different kind

A few days ago, on the day of Pentecost, there were huge windstorms in many parts of Hungary, some of which even tore off roofs of buildings. We had ours on Monday. It came quite unexpectedly. One minute it was sunny and warm, the next the sun was nowhere to be seen, and then in a split second the wind became very strong. Then we heard a VERY LOUD cracking noise. I looked out the window, and the bigger branch of the tree right in front of our house had been broken off, and was now sitting on the ground.

Here are the pictures I took from the window: