
Terrible pain, that is.

Reason being, that I have an ingrown toenail on the big toe on my left foot. I have had this before, but it always went away on its own, so I was hoping for the same this time as well. No such luck. I will spare you the gross details, but suffice it to say that as of yesterday it has felt and looked (especially looked!) bad enough to make me pay a visit to the doctor today.

He, of course gave me some medication (one to make the inflammation go down, and Betadine for disinfection), and matter-of-factly informed me that when I go back on Friday, he will cut out the part of the nail that shouldn't be there, and burn out the "wild flesh" (as he called it) that shouldn't be there.

To all this, I thought to myself:Yey! No, not quite, as you can imagine. For some reason, having part of my flesh (be it wild or not) be burnt off doesn't sound particularly appealing. Even though he will use local anesthetics, the prospect of all this will be enough to fill my heart with dread and fear from today until Friday.

If anyone has a story of surviving something even remotely similar, please, don't hesitate! Share! Encourage! Pour the balms of encouragement on my frightened soul (and toe) :)


árpi said...

I have survived cancer :)

Gabi said...

There you go Árpi...see...positive thinking is extremely important in this kinda situations... :-)

Anyways...I was laughing pretty hard on this post...

I hope that everything went just fine at the doctorbácsi :-))

Laci and Keri Németh said...

I hear a story of a 35 year old blond, young mother who died at this, very complex, operation. but then suddenly, Dr.Luka Kovacs came and kissed her and she woke up from her dream...
Wait that was you?

Andi, I am gonna fast all night long... :)

BAck to Normal... we gonna pray for you... Andi and pain do not go together... and this doc is really a torturer if he announces it 4 days ahead... is he a muslim terrorist?
Lazo who is out of his mind :)

Gabi said...

I guess then this post was about Andi...sorry guys :-)
Hmmmm...I don't know why I thought that Árpi was the one with the pain...:-)