Introducing ...

We went to see our doctor and he did an ultasound. We found out that we are going to have a girl. Upon looking at her Andi felt that she looks like a Nina, so we are going to call her Nina. We are sorry if Nina Myers from 24, or Nina Khrushcheva from Russia stirs up bad memories, but we are still going to call her Nina. Check her out, doesn't she look like a Nina?

FYI: Nina is a Spanish nickname for Christina, and a Russian nickname for Anne or Antonia. One famous Nina is St. Nina (296-338), who took Christianity to Georgia.


A look-alike is a living person who closely resembles another living person. In popular Western culture, a look-alike is a person who bears a close physical resemblance to a celebrity, politician or member of royalty.

There is website (link) which will tell you if you look similar to any celebrity.

Here is what we found: Andi is 70% like Bette Davis, 66% like Geena Davis, and 60% like Sally Field. I am 66% like Philip Seymour Hoffman.
One might wonder what our kid is going to look like :)