
Nina is exactly one month old today. A lot of you have been asking us what we think about parenthood. So here it goes ...
It has been an amazing month!The biggest lesson so far for me has been discovering just how selfish I am. God has been so patient and gracious in showing me this in so many different ways over the past weeks. Having to give up my comfort and my wants and needs and putting Nina's before mine has been liberating in so many ways.
I have discovered that contrary to my previous beliefs, I AM able to function on less than 6 hours of sleep, in fact, I can do it for a whole month, many nights in a row! Quite amazing, I tellya! Those who know me well, know that I NEED my sleep, and that I get very groggy and slow if I don't get it. Well, once again, it turns out that God, in all His unlimited wisdom and power does something insane with a woman's body when she has a helpless little infant to take care of 24/7. He gives her extra strength for every minute of every hour.
So in a few words, this has been a month of discoveries, and many blessings. And just so you know, Nina is so cute I can't believe it, and she keeps getting cuter every day.
Oh, a PS: One of my favourite things is watching her with her Daddy. They already have a special bond, and it is beautiful to watch Arpi with her. Okay, so all in all, I am very blessed!

Here is a recent picture of Nina:

Mother Theresa's youngest follower :)


Laci and Keri Németh said...

like you don't have that bond... :)

Gabi said...

Boldog egy hónapot Nina!! El sem hiszem, hogy "már" eltelt 4 hét...

Azzal kapcsolatban amit irtál Andi, erről az önzőség dologról...én azt látom igy 15 hónap után, hogy Isten tényleg hihetetlen dolgokat változtatott meg bennem. Iszonyú nehéz volt az eleje azok miatt -is- amin te is átmész...de ahogy visszanézek...WOW...ez volt a legcsodálatosabb 15 hónap!! És minden úgy érzem egyre hálásabb és hálásabb vagyok azért a kis életért amit ránk bizott...

Nina egyébként gyönyörű!!

Köszi, hogy annak ellenére, hogy eléggé levagytok mostanság foglalva, azért mindig elláttok egy kis infóval bennünket!

liv said...

She is soooo nice! Is that a hat on her head? Is it cold over there, or what?! :):):)

árpi said...

Well liv, it is a little wet towel on her head. This picture was taken last week during the record heat 107.5F (41.9C), so we wanted to cool her down a bit :)

lu said...

she is beautimous:) i'm glad for you, Andi!

liv said...

hmm, good idea! i just hope your apartment was a bit cooler than 41C!