settled (take up residence and become established)

There is one recurring question people ask us nowadays: "Have you guys settled in?" We unpacked everything and put everything away three days after the move and about seven days later we inadvertently referred to the Gate House as HOME. I guess we have settled in.

We even have a daily routine by now. I get up at 06:00, make my way to the coffee maker and while the coffee is brewing I prepare my breakfast cereal. Then I read and pray for some time while sipping coffee. Then Andi wakes up, we pray (but only after she raids the toilet - she is pregnant, you know) and then we watch a morning talk show for a bit. Then I go to work, around 12:30 we eat lunch, and I go back to work until 16:00 or so. After that it is always different, but it usually involves sports or hanging out with people and watching an episode of [spooks] later in the evening. We intend to enjoy this while we can, because we know that Nina is definitely going to have a say in our scheduling methods when she comes, don't you think?

1 comment:

liv said...

yes, as G used to say: she's gonna be plan D, YKWIM...;)