
well, before nina was born, we had unspoken parenting agreements concerning what we were going to let nina do (eat) and what would be out of question for her to do.

needless to say, the rest of the world, all you 6710144870 were not included in the decision making and you keep intruding on our plan. thus, from time to time, we need to give up our convictions, say farewell to them (thus the title) and let nina be influenced by other inhabitants of this overpopulated planet.

yes, this outrage was inspired by the fact that someone gave her nutella for breakfast while visiting friends in vienna (austria) last weekend :)


Laci and Keri Németh said...

Oh, that`s nothing. Lotti was once fed potatoe chips while she was only breastfeeding. And not even a tasty, good quality one, but a no-name, extra greasy kind. Well, she survived.

Unknown said...

Your outrage is understandable.
Rosemary gets mad if people feed me nutella too.

árpi said...

:) :) :))

Unknown said...

Am I mistaken, or does that third smiley face have a double chin?

árpi said...


Laci and Keri Németh said...

Keri you seem to forget when Lea was stuffed with lukewarm fried pork fat at the age of like 2. and that 6 days later we have ended up at the Vukovar Hospital, because of her constipation... And till this day she still has problems of pooping...

Just a note... Arpi I have seen on National Geographic Chanel that children under the age of two, if they get fed with Nutella die within 24 hours... if they survive that time, then for sure "they kill their parents when they grow up..."

P.s. the quotation is from Chandler Bing.

Laci and Keri Németh said...

Asszem hogy a kommentem masodik felevel meg sem ertek egyet... egy kicsit tul lottem a celon...

Bocsanatot kerek ha megbantott...

Faradt a bacsi es alig el...



árpi said...

don't worry uncle lazo von vukovaren ...
proverbs 10:12