
this past week-end, we were blessed to visit the city of vienna, the capital of austria. coincidentally, a few students from the college decided to do the same, so we met up for a day and spent some time being tourists together. it was great, and also very unique. as we all sat at the dinner table of our hosts - a family originally from bosnia, but now living in vienna - we realized how many nationalities were represented there.

by the way, this is one of the many things we love about serving at the bible college: people come literally from all over the world, and yet, the unity of the body of christ is tangible here. what beauty for the world to see!

here's a picture of our little multi-cultural group, from left to right:

emily (america), andrew (poland / britain), joel (america), claudia (romania), danijela (bosnia / austria), andi and nina (serbia / hungary)

arpi (serbia /hungary), gustavo (puerto rico / america), dunja (croatia)

cool, huh?


liv said...

Má'meg'utazás?! Öregem...:) Jó kép.

andi said...


Há'na! Ilyen ez a mi életünk! :)