
we, the creators of this blog (hereafter referred to as the parties), hereby enter into this agreement on the below place and date upon the following terms and conditions:
  1. it is the intention of the parties hereto, that between the dates of december 20th, 2008 and january 5th, 2009 (also known as holiday season) they participate in a competition amongst themselves.
  2. the subject of the aforementioned competition is the increase of the body mass of the parties during the aformentioned time period.
now, therefore, the parties have agreed as follows:
  1. the parties voluntarily submit to the measuring of their body weight in a 9.08665 m/s² gravitational field (earth, that is) on the aforementioned first day of the contest.
  2. the parties will refrain from using substances specifically engineered for weight loss purposes (natural or otherwise) during the aforementioned period.
  3. the parties may engage in strenuous physical activities to decrease, or to stop the increase of, their own body weight.
  4. neither party may entice the other party to participate in the consumption of substances known to drastically increase body weight, however, parties are free to consume such substances should they choose to do so.
  5. the declared winner of the competition is the party with the smallest increase of body weight (where the minuend is a party's body weight on january 5th, 2009 and the subtrahend is the same party's body weight on december 20th, 2008) within the aforementioned time period.
  6. the winner of the competition receives a gift of his own choosing, which has to be countersigned by the other party.
the validity, interpretation, construction and performance of this agreement shall be governed by the laws of hungary, excluding any conflict of laws, rule or principle that might refer the governance of the construction of this agreement to the law of another jurisdiction.


Douglas Hamp said...

Valami nem stimmel az utolsó pontban: "HIS own choosing"???
Eleve elrendeltetett eme verseny nyertese?

árpi said...

the english language unfortunately lacks a simple singular pronoun which does not specify gender. this is not a new problem.

a person can't help their birth, wrote thackeray in vanity fair (1848), and even shakespeare produced the line every one to rest themselves betake, which pedants would reject as logically ungrammatical.

if you do not find this usage acceptable, there are alternatives. you could resort to the awkward he or she formula, or to the practice of writing he when you mean he or she (which many people find objectionable), or to recasting all your sentences to avoid the problem!


Laci and Keri Németh said...

kellet neked kerdezni barmit is...

Anonymous said...

You guys are funny.

Thanks for bringing a smile to this large woman (to be read: pregnant woman). I hope that you indulge in every good thing that is pleasing to your palette...one piece of advice: all in moderation.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

andi said...

Dear divine grace!

You have made us very curious,as to your identity...could you please tell us who you are?


The Curious Ones

Laci and Keri Németh said...

let me give you a hint...
She caries the third child of of Rob Mezger... :)


liv said...

mi?!?!?!?!? :)

andi said...


Oh, I just remembered that "divine grace" is your email address, Janet! Much love to you guys!


Árpi azt üzeni, hogy ehhez az angol jogi zsargont is ismerni kellene. Nem mellesleg jegyzem meg, hogy én se értettem a felét annak, amit a szerződésbe beleírt. Hehe.