
Nowadays, more and more things that we use are manufactured in China. I really have nothing against that fact, or against the Chinese people as a whole. I just wish that the companies that make some of these products would hire someone who speaks proper English, in order to double-check all the things they write on these products.
Until they do, Arpi and I will continue to have a good laugh every once in a while - upon discovering the latest weird "English" word.

Here's the object of our latest cheerful moment:

What is the problem here? Take a closer look!

Although this was only a miniature box of washing powder from a toy kitchen set, the questions still remain:
  1. What on earth is senior washing powder? (Is it perhaps to be used only by the elderly?)
  2. What does forever whiteness mean? 'Cause if it means that once I have washed my clothes with this powder, they will never get soiled again, then bring it on! I want this powder in my house!
  3. The absolute favourite is do-it-yourselfery. What ?!?!?!
If you are able to decipher the meaning of any of the above expressions, please, feel free to do so.

Or, if you have any similarly weird texts from a product, we would love to have you share.

Let's all have a good laugh!


Unknown said...

There were two brands of toilet paper we used to buy. One was called "Wipey" and the other was called "Touching." We always bought them because they were the cheapest, and because they made us crack up.
And of course, there are all the "Siti" products from Lidl, which give us a good laugh...

Unknown said...

We were at the store today, and they still carry "Touching" toilet paper.
Here's a picture.