
A few things. Just wanted to thank everyone who prayed for Nina and us during last week when she was sick. She came out of the fever after almost five days and went back to her normal self shortly afterwards. Turns out that it was part teething and part a virus that she picked up in childcare at Calvary Chapel Budapest. The only symptom of the virus being a fever. Never heard of such a thing before. But it was strange, I tellya. I am more convinced every day that some of these new weird viruses that float around are cooked up in some lab somewhere. They are just too weird, and they were not around when I was a kid. You might think I am a conspiracy theorist, and that's okay. I'll still stick with my secret lab theory.

On a completely different note. Nina started feeling a bit better the afternoon before we were scheduled to travel to Germany to visit part of my (Andi) family. My aunt and two cousins have been living in Hannover for a long time, and Arpi and I decided that it would be a good idea to come here for a visit. So we have been in Hannover, Saxony for a few days now and it has been great! Hanging out with family, and eating lots. My aunt has this thing with continually buying more and more food, and continually offering it. And since it's good stuff, it's hard to resist, so we are fearing the worst: returning to Vajta as little |(or big) piggies.

Today we went to a lake called Steinhude See which is nearby and had a blast! We walked around the cute town which is around part of the lake, and even went for a little boatride with an electric boat. I didn't even know such things (not boats per se, but the electric kind) existed! I even got to navigate (drive?) our boat for about a half an hour. It was fun!

The other fun thing we did was eat fish! It was fun, because we both thought that we didn' like fish, but realizing that eating schnitzel in a little town where they sell fish on every corner, would be - well, pathetic, made us order something from the water. And it was good! And then, my aunt wanted to buy some smoked fish at a place where she usually goes when in town, we went with her, and Arpi got some cool photos out of it!

Below are a few pics of the day, hope you like them as much as we do. I LOVE the fish pictures, I think they are very professional, my husband is soooo smart and talented! :) 

We like water. Here's Arpi's take on a wave.

Fish drying. 

More fish being dried. Poor things. Looks cool though, huh?

Andi, the skipper :)

Nina, after a meal of fruits, biscuits, and some fish.


Anna said...

Yes, Andi, your husband is indeed very smart and talented! What's more, he also has a very smart and talented wife! :-)

Anonymous said...

someone needs to quit their day job to become a professional photographer...

...i'm just saying...

árpi said...


We know of another, much greater photographer who should definitely quit her day job and start taking more pictures, even if it is of paintings in a dark basement of a museum :)
