
although nina is not going to turn one until tuesday, we had a kiddy party for her today, so that the kids of some of those who came to foundations 2008 conference can be at the party as well.

andi baked gazillion muffins

nina was terrified by how fast time flies

she was quickly comforted by a coconut muffin

the kids played some

and then ate some

some posed for the photograph

others were not too happy


Gabi said...

Happy Birthday Nina!! I can't believe that you are turning one today!! I hope that you are having a wonderful birthday and that you have some left over muffins so you can celebrate! :-)

I love the pictures. The second one is my favorite :-)

the mccalls said...

Hát ilyen öregek vagyunk már nina! Boldog szülinapot kis törpe, azt üzeni a máté.

liv said...

Boldog szülinapot, Nina! Bár mióta gyerekeim vannak, nem értem, miért nem az anyukákat ünneplik a gyerekek szülinapján... lol! Úgyhogy ennek értelmében sok puszi és gratula Andinak is a szép teljeseítményért!