
Many things change when you become a parent. We were aware of that while expecting Nina. There is one thing however, that nobody warned us about, and that is that sleep becomes a luxury when you have a baby in the house. We actually have no reason to complain - really - as Nina started sleeping through the night when she was 9 weeks old, so I have been getting at least 6 hours of sleep every night since then, sometimes more. Mostly uninterrupted, actually. Of course, only that little because once she goes down for the night, around 7.30PM, that's when I start doing stuff (cleaning, ironing, reading, getting STUFF done).

The problem is, little missy wakes up at 6AM every day. Like clockwork. We've recently been trying to move that to 7AM, but with little luck. Amazingly enough, there were two mornings last week when she DID sleep until 7AM. Oh, how happy we were! But it didn't last long, she quickly remedied the situation and now we are back to 6AM.

I am not complaining. Really. The one problem we have is that both Arpi and I LOVE sleeping. And we both need our sleep. So we are trying to work out a solution to this, mostly by taking turns getting up with her.

On the other hand, I am discovering more and more that there is only one option. Give up the luxury of 7-8 hours of sleep and get used to, accept and EMBRACE that if you want to get as much stuff done as you do, you will just have to do it on less sleep. Get over it, Andi! Really.
It is doable, I know it, because I have done it before, but oh, my flesh fights it like crazy. I want to win this fight, I really do, so here is what I am going to keep reminding myself of in the future, when I KNOW I need to get up, and just feel like I can't:

"Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed [is] willing, but the flesh [is] weak." Matthew 26:41

Oh, so true! Once again, Jesus knew what He was talking about. No surprise there.


Anna said...

"There is one thing however, that nobody warned us about, and that is that sleep becomes a luxury when you have a baby in the house."

Andi, let me refresh your memory. I DID warn you, I definitely did. January of 2007. In our living room. I clearly remember warning you about this very thing. :-)

árpi said...

Anna, please forgive my wife's forgiveness. I remember the conversation too.

I have a few long meetings today and Andi let me sleep in, so she is sleep deprived and this, in her case, means that she is a bit clumsy, forgetful, and a bit (?) sarcastic :) Did I write sarcastic? Andi? NEVER!

I love you bümbi :)

andi said...


You are right, Anna, now that you mentioned it, I do remember the conversation. I think the problem was that it sounded too scary for me to remember. I tend to block out things that don't sound appealing to me.
And I think until you've been there,(living on way less sleep than you did when you were childless) no matter what someone says, you just can't comprehend what it's like.

Gabi said...

Andi, I sent you an email :-)

Anna said...

By the way, we should hook Nina and Benjamin up. He is an early riser too. Eliana likes to sleep until 8:00 am but not her little brother!

So you never know what you get... which means that your second one could be a late riser... hint, hint...

liv said...

So from now on should I consider myself nobody also?! :)
And, hey, remember when we went to TESCO together? I told you there that w/ 2 kids, it is gonna be even worse! ;)

Unknown said...

Other than your loss of sleep, its not all bad that babies wake up every morning at the same time.
Our son wakes up at about 7 each morning - also like clockwork. So much so, that I have stopped using an alarm clock, bc I know that he will wake up at the same time every day. I work 3 days a week from 8am, and I've never been late for work yet!
The only problem is that on Monday (the first day of our English Camp outreach), Nate decided to sleep in. I was supposed to be at the camp to do registration at 8, and he woke up at 8:30! And today I almost missed devotions, bc he decided to sleep in again.
I guess I'm going to have to go back to using an alarm.

árpi said...

Yes, Lili, you are right as well. I guess I just don't listen when my friends are talking about not getting enough sleep. Must be cause the subject is sooo unappealing. :)

Laci and Keri Németh said...


Is that the thing when somebody is forgetful?


Lazo who is NOT a DOCTOR