
Nina's motoric skills are developing surprisingly fast. I am in continual amazement, but I am sure most parents are, when talking about their own child.

It was only a month ago that she started crawling and now she is already walking - truly, it is with aid, but it is walking nonetheless.


Trudy Chun said...

Wow! That kid gets around! I cannot believe how much she has grown. Hope you guys are well. We will have to hook up during Foundations -- put us on you busy schedule!

Gabi said...

Nagyon édi, látszik, hogy nagyon akar már menni :-)...nemsokára elfogja engedni azt a jó kis biztonságos ládikát is, aztán nyomás...:-)

Laci and Keri Németh said...



p.s. you know my sick brain, my first thought is good the second sick... in 80 years, when we will be with the LORD(R.I.P), she will need an aid again in the old folks home... :)

Anna said...

Ha megyunk haza, fogocskazhat majd Benjaminnal!

A hang effektusok is nagyon tetszenek egyebkent. :-)