
We have been listening to Diana Krall's Christmas Songs for a month now to get into the Christ-like Christmas spirit, but we are still not sure this was a good enough preparation before spending a whole week with our family. Christmas can be ruined when so many different people (like the people in our families) are confined to such a small space. God help us!
We are sure you have had nightmares and you woke-up in the middle of it, because you were so terrified in your dream. When this happens some people like to go right back to sleep, so they can rest before they have to get up in the morning. At times like these it is horrid to realize that you have no time left, but you have to face the day with such a nightmarish introduction. We fear that our Christmas is going to be such a nightmarish prologue to 2006. Why? Here is a short itinerary of our following week.
We will go to a homeless shelter here in Pecs on Thursday night with the church. Like last year we will serve food, sing carols, and give gifts to the homeless. Strangely, this is the part of this Christmas that causes no fear in our hearts. We will spend the next two days in Vukovar (Croatia) with Andi's brother and his family with the grandparents there as well. On Saturday we will go to Serbia to see the rest of our family in and around Subotica. Rest? What is that?

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