
dear friends,

as you may know we are expecting our second child to be born some time at the beginning of june 2010. we only have a name picked out for a boy: vince (lat. vincere, meaning conquering), yet it looks like we are going to have a girl again.

we are very excited, but troubled at the same time, for we can't find a name we both like that matches the following criteria:
  • it is used in hungarian, english and serbian / croatian as well.
  • it is spelled similarly in all the languages mentioned above.
  • we like it.
to give you a few examples: benjamin, david, alex, etc.

to trigger your imagination, here is a picture nina insisted on taking the other day :)


Anna said...

A példák közül Benjamin tetszik nekem, csak lánynak nem olyan jó. :-)

A mi két lányunk nevén kívül (amik szerintem az első két kritériumnak megfelelnek), mit szóltok még a következőkhöz? Daniella (vagy Daniela), Mikaela, Olivia, Emma. Ja, és a legjobb: Anna!

Unknown said...

We almost named our daughter Talia or Natália, but it was too close to Nathanial... I still really like the name. Maybe if we ever get a pet :)

Trudy Chun said...

First, let me say, I LOVE that photo of Andi and Nina. Regarding the contest. Look no further! It is all perfectly clear to me, as if it were predestined. Uh, nix that. We just don't want to go there. But back to THE name! I think you should continue the theme you've already begun. You've already got Nina, so your next daughter should rightfully be named "Pinta" and your third "Santa Maria." Therefore, you capture the multi-cultural nature of your offspring while tipping your hat to American history. But beware when preparing to give birth to that third daughter. History tells us that Nina and Pinta were "small sleek vessels" but Santa Maria was "a larger, round-hulled ship." That does not sound like the makings of a positive birthing experience!

Unknown said...

Manastirka ? :)

Unknown said...

irlijavlija ili jelisaveta ? ili hamupipőke? :)
eeee znam stvarno: Elizabeta!!! to je uvek isto na svim jezicima ili nije? samo pokusavam da pomognem :) (ali nemojte me ozbiljno shvatiti hehhehe) saljemo vam svima zagrljaj iz subotice

Attila & Tamara said...

Ha...we are having just the opposite problem. We can't find a boy name!
We'd like something that:
1. Works in English and Hungarian
2. Sounds similar in both languages
3. We like.

For a girl, I really love the name Karina (pronounced Kar--een--a, the Hungarian way). That is what we would have named Levi if he had been a girl. But if we have girl this time, we've chosen a different name (it's a secret).

I also like Olivia. Or Emilia/Amelia. Or Emma. Lea and Léna are also pretty. I also think Julianna (or Liána) is a beautiful name.

PS I love the name Nina! I'm sure you'll find the perfect name for your next princess, as well!

Unknown said...


Zsuzsi said...

Olivia tul elcsepelt, az en javaslataim:
Mira, Kamilla, Lena... meg gondolkodom :)

The Larson Family said...

We know this drill but ours was of course Ukrainian/Russian and English.

How bout "Lily?"
Elysia likes "Anna"

...How bout a Bible name?
Elisabeth, Sharon? Abigail? Deborah? Mary? Rebeccah? Eva? ...
Or a bible word?
Karis? Christina?

love the pix

Gabi said...

Andi nagyon jól nézel ki, igy is érzed magad? Irhatnál egy bejegyzést a második terhességről!!
A névvel kapcsolatban pedig, hát nem is értem, hogy eddig miért nem gondoltatok arra, hogy esetleg Gabriellának hivjátok a második manót. HEhe. Na jó csak vicc. Per pillanat más névvel nem szolgálhatok. Egyébként pedig totál értjük miről beszéltek, nekünk is mindig igy kell nevet válogatni.

Lidia said...

Nekem a Nadia tetszik a legjobban, sztem ez minden nyelven működik. Szivesen kölcsön adom, amig nekünk aktuális lesz :)
Amúgy rákerestem, és mindenhol a Jagoda név jött fel, nem tudom, akarjátok-e Epernek hívni a gyermeket :)

the mccalls said...

Aminek én neveztem volna a lányom ami fiú lett:

Lili, Emma, Lucy de mondjuk ez utóbbi nem tudom hogy van magyarul vagy szerbül :)

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure about serbian, but it's quite international.