in late august of 2007 the lord orchestrated some circumstances, through which we met an extraordinary person. kenzie is a photographer (extremely talented, by the way) who loves god and is passionate about so many things. she spent 10 days in our home and to this day, the room she stayed in is often referred to as "kenzie's room". during those ten days, we bonded deeply, and when she left, it felt like we had known each other ten years!
after she left, we started finding little hidden notes of love and encouragement from her everywhere. on the wardrobe, in my box of contacts, in my recipe-collection folder, in our kitchen cabinet, i even found one in my coat pocket the following spring, and one in a book on the bookshelf last year! but today's find was the best, because it is on the bottom of a candle-holder i have dusted about a million times since then, but have never bothered to look at the bottom (after all, who looks at the bottom of a candle-holder, right?). it simply says: september 2007, i love you, andi! kenz
well, this made my day, and all i want to say is: i love you back,
kenz, you are so special, i can't wait to see you again, and i wish everyone had a friend like you!