
According to online resources a dork is a term used to:
  • describe someone who has unusual interests and is, at times, silly,
  • refer to someone who acts on his own motives without caring about his peers' opinions.
We know people who are milk dorks, coffee dorks, coke dorks, green dorks, wine dorks, beer dorks, gadget dorks, etc. We also had a suspicion (which has now been undoubtedly confirmed) that Nina is a dog dork (taking after her maternal grandfather, who is the king of all dog dorks), since she breaks out in loud shrieking and shakes when she gets near one of these furry animals.

Are you a dork? If so, let us know about your dorkhood.

her royal dorkness in action


Laci and Keri Németh said...

book dork, balkan dork

Laci and Keri Németh said...

of course: BUREK DORK. Amen, Hallelujah...

Anonymous said...

I don't think I need to specify what kind of a dork I am. Seeing as it was the first on the list, I realize I've been found out.

Cheers to dorks of all types!

(P.s. She has the most incredibly captivating eyes ever. She's just beautiful.)

árpi said...

kenz, did you mean the dog? :)