
If I had the time, I could have done a very interesting study over the last few weeks. Unfortunately, I can’t afford to do a detailed study of my topic of choice, so I will just share some interesting stories here.

Being pregnant, my stomach has been growing at an insane speed. Being of a small build, this is even more noticeable than with the average person. The last few weeks, every time I was “out” in town, taking care of errands, at least one complete stranger had some kind of a reaction at the sight of my belly.

Here’s a short compilation:

  1. Optometrist, before even responding to my “hello” said “Wow, when is the baby coming?”
  2. The waitress at our favourite restaurant in Pecs (Lemon Café) said “When are you due?” then upon hearing my answer to her question said “Wow, you have a BIG belly!”
  3. A number of people I barely know (a relative’s relative, a relative’s neighbour I have only seen once before in my life, etc) said running up to me with huge excitement, putting their hand on my belly (without asking) “Look at your belly, how cute! And how are you both doing?”
  4. On our trail with Arpi (he was running ahead of me, and I was walking) a man I had never seen before was running from the opposite direction. When he saw me (a big sweatshirt WAS covering my belly, gotta give him that), he said “Just walking, sweetheart, just walking, why not run?” My answer: “Can’t quite do that, being seven months pregnant.” The poor guy was so shocked: “Oh, I am sorry, so sorry, I didn’t see!”
  5. And then there is what I call “The Look”. This happens as I am walking somewhere and a person glances in my direction, looks away, then looks back AGAIN, for a second look. This time their eyes are open much wider, and the expression on their face is as if they had just seen something terrible. They are probably thinking: “Is this woman crazy? She looks like she’s ready to pop, she shouldn’t be going anywhere? Stay at home, sit on the couch and don’t go ANYWHERE, just await your fate, you crazy woman!” (Okay, I don’t KNOW that this is what they are thinking, but the expression on their face definitely describes something similar.)
  6. This is by far my favourite, it was very sweet. I was standing in line at the dressing rooms (found a very cheap, on-sale maternity shirt, yippee!) in a shop. I was second in line, but the girl in front of me (upon realizing I was behind her) insisted that I go in before her. I tried to object, but she wouldn’t hear of it. That was so nice!
All this to say, I have been discovering that being pregnant changes so many things, among others, the way people look at you, and it’s been fun. I have been learning to take it all in stride, especially the comments that emphasize how BIG (i.e. fat) I have become. Children are a blessing from the Lord, we know that from the Bible, and I am glad and blessed to carry our child for this time.

Any of you who have been there, I would be curious to hear your comments!

Hormones and Insomnia

It is now 3:45AM, and I am still up. Again. I have been trying to get back to sleep since I woke up at 1:30AM, but to no avail. Have read, checked the news on the internet, tried all the sides of the bed, and still nothing. The most frustrating part of it is that next to me, Arpi has been sleeping like a baby, and that makes me so jealous. Not much I can do about it though.

So, I decided to post a quick update of what is going on with us. We are now officially less than two weeks away from moving and the “living amongst boxes” experience started for real last night. The interesting thing was that we got home (from visiting our folks in Subotica) in the afternoon, and I went to take a nap. When i woke up, I was shocked to find out that someone had disassembled our living room! In the midst of the half-filled boxes and moved around furniture stood my wonderful husband, with a smile on his face. It was that smile he gets when he is in the middle of a project, it’s all going well, and he has a sense of accomplishment.
Until a day later (Sunday afternoon) I wasn’t sure exactly why, but I wasn’t sharing in his smile. Just couldn’t. And then it hit me. A flood of tears came over me as I was packing up the bathroom and waddled (32 weeks pregnant, don’t forget that aspect!) around with a sponge and a dust-cloth: this feels like there was no warning whatsoever! Ohmygosh! We really are moving! Ohmygosh, a month after the move I will be a mom! How exactly do I do that? I don’t know! Needless to say, as the tears started flowing, I ran to Arpi who had no idea what could have possibly transpired in the bathroom (it seemed like a pretty safe place until now) that made me cry so hysterically. I filled him in, and as usual, he comforted me, and was able to bring back some reason to my hormonal mind. Until those same hormones woke me up a while ago.

Speaking of which, I will go back again, and try to sleep once more.
Good night y’all!