Non Sequitur

We would like to think that we are remembered by our names, that we can hide behind our names, but people remember us by our actions, giving us nicknames. This is how we end up with friends like Grumpy, Ugly, Fat, or Sarcastic, even though we might know their names.
At the apartment building we live in there are people we know by their nicknames, actually we know most of them only by their nicknames. There is the Oracle, who not only looks like the one from Matrix, but she knows everything and everyone. If you want to know who gets home at what time and who throws out how much garbage, you need to ask the Oracle. Then there are Bonnie and Clyde: always tanned (even during the coldest and darkest of winters), they drive a high-end car, and they always leave home at night and come back in the morning. We are wondering what they do for a living, maybe they are drug dealers and they deal drugs at clubs during the night. Other then these intriguing neighbors we have the Dentist (who always takes his showers late at night), the Yeller Lady (who always wins her arguments by yelling at 2:00 in the morning), and the Postman.

Some Christians are afraid to come out and show the world that they are believers. They are the undercover Christians against whom there is not enough evidence that there are believers. They do not go to church, even though they claim they are followers of Christ, whose first task in every city was to fellowship at the synagogue. These Christians want to keep up plausible deniability in case they are cornered, they do not want to be seen or associated with the Jesus Freaks.

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